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Do you suffer from anxiety? Our listeners tell us that this tool helps a lot when the attacks come and you need some assistance to bring your breathing back to normal. We recommend that you breathe in and out with the tool for at least five minutes.

Anxiety is an awful issue for many people globally and while this tool may work for some people, it may not work for others. If your anxiety symptoms persist, please see your doctor or medical professional

Note: You may need to adjust your device's screen timeout settings to use this exercise.

anxiety tool.gif


This website, the name SLEEP RADIO and its audio stream is internationally trademarked and copyrighted © - 2014 to John Watson trading as Sleep Radio. All rights reserved.​ Our audio streaming services are provided solely to listeners who need to listen to uninterrupted music to relax and sleep. Duplication or copying of any audio, information or image on this website is strictly prohibited. Similarly, any recording, relaying or re-broadcasting of this station's audio feed via website, app or AM/FM/SW/DAB relaying is strictly prohibited without express written permission of the owner of SLEEP RADIO. Any person, organisation or company in breach is liable to prosecution, damages and costs.

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